Staff-Parish Relations

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.

Titus 2:7-8 ESV


The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is responsible for Human Resources – the management of personnel policy, staff compensation, and pastor relations.

SPRC normally meets monthly. Confidential matters are handled in closed meetings.


The Staff-Paris Relations Committee is made up of nine members in three rotating panels. The Pastor, Lay Leader, and Lay Member/Delegate to Annual Conference are also part of the Committee. Specific responsibilities of SPRC include:

  • Consult with Bishop and District Superintendent concerning pastoral appointments
  • Promote unity in the church
  • Encourage, strengthen, nurture, monitor, support, and respect pastors and their families, staff members, and lay leaders
  • Confer with and counsel pastors and staff on effectiveness and ministries
  • Confer with pastors and staff on priorities in use of gifts, skills and time
  • Consult with and support continuing education, work-life balance, and spiritual renewal for pastors and staff
  • Recommend to Charge Conference candidates for lay and ordained ministry
  • Hire, contact, promote, and/or dismiss staff personnel
  • Recommend compensation, benefits and housing plans for Church Council
  • Communicate and interpret to the congregation the nature and function of ministry in the UMC regarding open inveteracy (movement of pastor)
  • Develop and approve job descriptions for most staff and pastoral positions

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