TINY DESK – LIMITED INDOOR WORSHIP Service – Sunday, November 13th (8:30am)

Peace and grace Saints — 

God is again doing all things new. On tomorrow (Sunday, Nov 13th) we will again feature an ONLINE ONLY, TINY DESK styled worship experience, streamed live via FaceBook from our church Fellowship Hall

This serves as another TINY DESK – LIMITED INDOOR WORSHIP on Sunday, Nov 13th (8:30am). This is the twenty-third Sunday of the Pentecost Season and our Voices of Inspiration will serve in music ministry. 
The scripture texts for the service include: Isaiah 12 & 65:17-25 and Luke 21:5-19. Take a look at each of the scriptures, meditate, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your heart in how to LIVE in each of them. The full bulletin for the service is attached (pdf).

(Note: the term Tiny Desk might be a trademark of NPR

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Sunday Notices and Announcements

  • Daisy UMC Men’s Day – THIS AFTERNOON 2pm; our Strawbridge Praise Team is sharing in music
  • Sanctuary Floor Update — Please continue to solicit building fund donations for this effort. Many (people you know) will want to make sizable donations to a non-profit for income tax purposes before the end of year. There is no better cause or place for their generosity than YOUR CHURCH, Strawbridge. Let us know if you need help with any letters or solicitation advice.
  • Robert Moton former Students and Friends 50th Anniv – Saturday, Dec 3rd (noon to 3pm) Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant, Frederick, MD. Tickets $55; see Yvonne Gambrill for tickets and more info. You must RSVP by November 21st.


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