Blessing and grace, all who are Spiritually Transformed —
This weekend we share in the FINAL OUTDOOR WORSHIP on Sunday, October 30th (9:00 am). This is the twenty-first Sunday of the Pentecost Season and no finer time to really proclaim and talk about the EVANGELICAL Tradition. Can you see the word ANGEL in the word Evangelical? That’s right saints, YOU TOO are GOD’S MESSENGERS.
Living in the evangelical tradition requires us to look for creative ways to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. The scripture text in Luke 4:42-44 reminds us that Jesus Himself had to leave the crowds and go to deserted places and other towns to share the message of the Kingdom. It is therefore no longer permissible to only testify in Church, we have to tell the story everywhere.
The service will be shared Livestream via Facebook (Meta) and accessible on the church website afterward. The Praise Team will share in music ministry and the full program is attached. Join us on the church lawn Sunday morning, as the weather promises to be a sunny 60 degrees; be sure to bring a sweater or light jacket and a lawn chair. The program for the service is attached (pdf).
Amb Ross
Sunday Notices and Announcements:
- Final Outdoor Worship Service — This Sunday’s OUTDOOR WORSHIP will serve as the last one of the season. Come out to give God glory on His holy mountain one last time! We will announce where we will hold indoor services.
- Special Thanks – Saint Paul UMC and Hartzler Funeral Home has invited us to use any of their facilities should we have need to move inside. These generous offers have been extended and we will keep you informed of any venue changes.
- Fall 2022 Bible Study – Final Bible Study lesson this Wednesday, Nov 2nd. Join us Wednesdays (7pm) via Zoom or Facebook.
- Church Community-wide Yard Sale – Many thanks for all your support on yesterday.
- Disaffiliation Discernment Videos – In two weeks, we will send the information for our ongoing discussions and discernment.