OUTDOOR WORSHIP – Sunday, October 23rd (8:30am)

Blessing and grace, people of the Holy Spirit —

This weekend we continue OUTDOOR WORSHIP on Sunday, October 23rd (8:30am). This is the twentieth Sunday of the Pentecost Season and no finer time to really proclaim and talk about ALL THINGS – HOLY SPIRIT also called Holy Ghost. 

Who is He? Where is He? What gift does He give us? Do I need to speak in a foreign (unlearned) tongue to assure others I have received Him? Why do people shout and dance in church? How come I (myself) have never shouted or danced? Why don’t we talk about the Holy Spirit more or call on His name? We will attempt to tackle all these burning questions in this week’s worship experience.

The service will be shared Livestream via Facebook (Meta) and accessible on the church website afterward. The Voices of Inspiration will share in music ministry and the full program is attached. Join us on the church lawn Sunday morning, as the weather promises to be a sunny 67 degrees; be sure to bring a sweater or light jacket and a lawn chair. The program for the service is attached (pdf).

Amb Ross

Sunday Notices and Announcements:
  • Pastor’s Sincerest Thanks — Thank you individually and collectively for last week’s Pastor Appreciation, the meal and all the wonderful cards, gifts and sentiments expressed. I love and value each of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your love is immeasurable and I simply say, “right back at each of you!” God bless and strengthen you all.
  • Special Thanks – To both Saint Paul UMC and Hartzler Funeral Home for inviting us to use any of their facilities should we have need to move inside. These generous offers have been extended and we will keep you informed of any venue change. This serves as a public note of thanks and notice letting Strawbridge know how much you are loved in the community.
  • Fall 2022 Bible Study – Join us Wednesdays (7pm) via Zoom or Facebook.
    The next Spiritual Formation topic is the Incarnation Tradition.
  • Church Charge Conference this coming Saturday Oct 22nd at Jackson Chapel UMC, Frederick, MD (11am)
  • Mae Beard Memorial – TODAY Deer Park UMC, Westminster Sunday Oct 23rd (2pm gathering; 3pm service)
  • Church Community-wide Yard Sale Next Saturday Oct 29th (8am); see Wendy Slaughter for details


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