Peace and grace people of the Most High God

This weekend is scheduled to present problems for outdoor worship given the strong winds and the rainy forecasts. Therefore, World Communion Worship – Sunday, October 2nd (8:30am) will be shared via Livestream ONLINE ONLY on the Facebook and the church website platforms. The Voices of Inspiration will share in music and we will broadcast with very LIMITED capacity from the church Fellowship Hall. We are praying the Holy Spirit blesses us in the cozy and intimate setting. While wood panel flooring has been added to our sanctuary, it is still a tad too dusty to broadcast from the sanctuary, but we will give you all a viewing (via Livestream) of the great progress and work in the sanctuary. Tune-in on Sunday morning.

Given (again) this is World Communion Sunday, each of you should have elements ready for Holy Communion during the service. Attached (pdf) is the full program and Communion liturgy, and you can follow along as we Livestream the service. Please have elements of bread and vine for each person in your household and join us in liturgy where the print is BOLD. Feel free to share the Livestream broadcast to your personal page and if you miss the livestream service, you can alway watch it later from the saved video.

Again, this Sunday, Oct 2nd (8:30am) is Livestreamed ONLY from the Strawbridge fellowship hall and only those serving on the program and on finance team should attend. PLEASE pass the word.

Amb Ross

Sunday Notices and Announcements:


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