ASH WEDNESDAY and Bible Study – (TONIGHT, Wed, Mar 2nd 7pm)

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TODAY is ASH WEDNESDAY and our SEASON of LENT 2022 begins!

We invite you to share in the 5 minute ceremony and imposition of ashes at 7pm tonight. Each of us will apply the ashes at the beginning of Bible Study, streamed live via Zoom and Facebook. The scripture text for the imposition of ashes is Joel 2:1-2 and 12-17.

Ash Wednesday Observance:
Prepare the ashes ahead of time by completely burning either a piece of the palm from last year, a small piece of paper, dead leaf, or a stick match. Burn the item completely in a small glass bowl and pulverize or crush the remaining black ash. Finally, add a few drops of olive or other oil and mix to make a slurry.

Tonight as we gather, apply the ash in the shape of the cross to either your forehead or back of your hand with a finger or Q-tip. Do this for all members in your household. Even if you do not join us on the media platforms, you may participate with your family in the Ash Wednesday observance at 7pm. Simply read the scripture aloud, Joel 2:1-2, 12-17; offer a short prayer and apply the ashes saying,
“from dust I came, and to dust I return as my spirit is set free.”

Bible Study – Galatians chapter 4:
See the attached notes (2 pdf files) for last week and tonight’s study. We are in week 8 and will study the entire chapter 4 tonight.
The Apostle Paul makes his final arguments for justification by faith in Jesus Christ alone!

Join us in the study as we begin the Lenten season.

Strawbridge Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Winter Bible Study – Galatians

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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