2021 The Great Potato Giveaway (pt. 2)
God’s grace continues toward us–
Please know that 1250 lbs of fresh Maine potatoes are coming to Strawbridge Community Church the weekend of April 17th. Thanks to Miles Williams (event chair) you and the community can benefit. See the attached flyer and click the link below to help us convert 50lb bags of fresh Maine potatoes to 5lb and 10lb bags. On the link you can also reserve potatoes for yourself or help us deliver bags of potatoes to others in our community. We want to thank Miles for taking this project on and caring enough about hunger in the community to do something.
The potatoes will be picked up on Saturday, April 17th, from St Andrews UMC in Hagerstown, MD, and delivered to the parking lot at Strawbridge Community Church. The Cumberland-Hagerstown District UM Men partnered with the Society of Saint Andrew for this End Hunger Project.
* Baggers should arrive at Strawbridge beginning 1:30pm and
* Potato pickup will be on:
Saturday, April 17th: 2-5pm and
Sunday, April 18th: 11-1pm
If you have extra plastic grocery bags, please bring them to the church so we can use them for this mission project.
For any additional information, contact Nicole Allen [[email protected]]. As always, feel free to pass the word to all.
To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://strawbridgecc.org/events/2021-the-great-potato-giveaway-pt-2/ →
Date And Time
Sunday, April 18, 2021 @ 01:00 PM