2021 Palms & Bean Soup
Peace and grace all–
In preparation for Palm Sunday, we will be distributing palms at Strawbridge Community Church between 12 noon – 3pm, on Saturday, March 27th. Please stop by the church to get a palm for each member of your household, another to hang over the doorway used most in your home and a cross-folded palm from last year for each of your family’s vehicles. Special thanks to Sister Ula Scott for doing all the folding last year. As you worship via the ONLINE service on Sunday, we will bless the palms and the homes where they reside. We will also share in a waving of the palm during the service.
Additionally, when you come to retrieve your palms, you are free to take a pint-sized canister of bean soup, courtesy of top chef Tessa Howard. It was brought to our attention that the large hams purchased last year to season the greens for the Good Friday dinner were still in the freezer. These items were used to season the bean soup. A big thanks to Tessa and all the visionaries who made it possible.
The scripture lesson for Palm Sunday is John 12:12-19. Please read the text in preparation for worship.
Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord– the King of Israel!
Hosanna! Blessed is she/he who goes in the Name of the Lord– Jesus, King of Glory!
To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://strawbridgecc.org/events/2021-palms-bean-soup/ →
Date And Time
Saturday, March 27, 2021 @ 03:00 PM