SUNDAY OUTDOOR WORSHIP – Sunday, September 25th (8:30am)

Peace and grace people of the Imago Dei

This weekend we continue our OUTDOOR WORSHIP, Sunday, Sep 25th (8:30am). This, the final Sunday of the month means our Praise Team is serving in music ministry. The morning hours may be cool, so please bring a sweater or light jacket. The service will be Livestreamed via Meta (facebook). 

Utilizing the theme from Wednesday night Spiritual Formation Bible study, we will dig deeper into The Process of Becoming. The message is entitled, “Become What You Are,” from Colossians 3:4-15. Please see the program bulletin for Sunday attached (pdf).

Feel free to pass the word and invite others to worship. Also, those online are asked to share the Live broadcast.

Amb Ross

Sunday Notices and Announcements:


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