Homecoming Sunday – Sep 19th (10a-5pm) @ Libertytown Park

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Homecoming weekend is here–OUTDOOR WORSHIP, followed by fellowship food and fun will be held this Sunday, September 19th (10am-5pm) at Libertytown Park12201 Liberty Road (Route 26) 21762, and the weather promises to be a beautiful, sunny 82 degrees. Please begin arriving at the park 9am so you can park and find a comfortable area for seating. Attached is a picture (jpg) of the park area we will occupy so you can be fully acquainted before arriving. You can zoom in and out on the picture to see areas more clearly. We are asking you to bring lawn & sporting chairs for seating. If you bring a tent, make certain it is not larger than 10′ x 10′. Also, to accommodate sufficient parking, we ask that you and family member car-pool if possible to cut down on the total number of vehicles. After parking and facing the little-league field, simply walk towards the left pathway. Those helping us unload the trailer and set up for worship should get to the park at 8am. The colors for the day are: black, silver and lavender. Dress comfortably and ready to have fun following worship!During the Homecoming celebration, we will have a first-ever dessert contest. A special table will be setup to receive your goodies. A panel of judges will be selected from the crowd and a set of criteria (appearance, texture, taste, overall yumminess) will be used to evaluate each entry. The items will only have numbers when the judges begin their duties and only the registration person will know what the dessert is and who entered it in the contest. Three prizes will be awarded after the judges points are totaled. Good luck to you in advance!As per usual, the worship service will be streamed LIVE via FaceBook. Following is the program order, cookout menu and mini-schedule for the day:

  • Call to Worship (10am) with Joy Sung on piano
  • Selection 1 – To God Be the Glory (Total Praise #150)
  • Selection 2 – Great Thou Art (#142)
  • Church History & Occasion – Stephen Howard
  • Reflections
  • Selection 3 – This Is My Father’s World (#140)
  • Memorial Observance (2 years back)
  • Selection 4 – For God So Loved the World (#146)
  • Announcements
  • Special Music — What A Fellowship/God Is
  • Scripture – Exodus 25:1-9 & Nehemiah 2:15-18
  • Sermon – THE WORK AHEAD
  • Invitation Selection – Tomorrow
  • Benediction – Center of My Joy
Cookout-style food served 1:15pmDessert Contest Judging – 3pmKick Ball Game – 3:30pmMenu — Fried Chicken quarters, fried fish, smoked BBQ pulled-pork, grilled hamburgers & all beef hotdogs
            Green beans, macaroni & cheese, baked-beans, grilled corn-on-cob, fresh baked dinner rolls

            tossed salad & dressing, fruit salad, chocolate cake, vanilla cake, iced-tea, kids juice, bottled waterFinally, please take note of other notices and scheduled events for the month and beyond:



  • Church Charge Conference – Tuesday, Sep 28th (5-6pm)
  • BWC Annual Conference – Oct 25-27th Baltimore (hybrid)
  • Fall Bible Study – Ark of the Covenant, Wednesdays (7pm) via Zoom & FaceBook
  • Homecoming 2021 – Sep 19th at Libertytown Park (10am-5pm)
  • Prayer Line – Mondays 6am +13017158592 – Passcode 971051 / ID 958 5095 6820
  • Carroll County Christian Men’s Annual Prayer Breakfast – Sat, Oct 2nd 8am (Wm Hebron contact)
  • Music On the Main – New Windsor outdoor fair (Sat, Oct 2nd); Strawbridge selling fish dinners
  • WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY – October 3rd (8:30am)
Praying your strength in the Lord,
Amb Ross



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